Puffle Handler Tracker

About the Puffle Handler:
The Puffle Handler first appeared when Club Penguin announced that Club Penguin would be releasing Puffle Hats. She was seen for the first time when she was carrying the boxes of hats into the Puffle Shop. The Puffle Handler is one of the newest mascots that will be arriving on Club Penguin. She wears a animal trainer hat with a whistle, and trainer boots. Her job on Club Penguin is to take care of the Puffles in the Pet Shop, and she really love what she does! She also helps brand new Puffle owners take care of their Puffles. She can be found on the screen when your first buy a Puffle when you go to take care of it.
Special Puffle Handler Facts:
She is the 2nd female mascot to arrive on Club Penguin.
She was first spotted in September 2011.
She helped deliver Puffle Hats to Club Penguin.
She is the latest addition to on-screen mascots.
How to find Puffle Handler:
She can be found on the screen when you adopt a new Puffle.
She will most likely be found in the Pet Shop when she comes to Club Penguin.
She will most likely visit popular servers at the top of the server list for all languages.
She will stand out in the crowd since her clothing is not available on Club Penguin.
Puffle Handler Tracker Tips:
The best time to use our tracker is on the weekends.
The Puffle Handler Tracker is usually 100% accurate, unless it is being updated manually.
You can use the Puffle Handler Tracker Chat to find her location immediately.
If you really need help, leave us a comment on this page.
Puffle Handler Finding Tips:
Our Club Penguin Puffle Handler Tracker is 100% accurate.
The Puffle Handler usually gets crowded by penguins who all want to dress up like her!
Use the player list in a crowded room to check and see if Puffle Handler is there.
Her name will have a special smiley face beside it since she is a Club Penguin Mascot.
Try to look for a lot of people saying “Puffle Handler!”, chances are she’s there or has been there.
March 9, 2012: Puffle Handler announces that she will arrive at the island for the 2012 Puffle Party for the first time.
Who is Puffle Handler?
Puffle Handler is a penguin who takes care of puffles and trains them. She is usually training them in the wild while she is not on the island.
How can I make Puffle Handler?
To meet Puffle Handler, follow the ClubPenguinCP twitter. The @ClubPenguinCP twitter will be tweeting every time Puffle Handler has been found.
When is Puffle Handler online?
Puffle Handler is usually on large servers during the day, and peak servers during the evening. Her favorite servers are as follows: Mammoth, Alaska, Alpine, Aurora, and Yeti. She usually stays for 15-20 minutes on a server before she leaves.
What background is Puffle Handler giving away?
To see the background Puffle Handler is giving away, scroll up to the top of the page.
When does Puffle Handler come to the island?
Puffle Handler usually arrives at the island during a puffle-themed party, such as the Puffle Party.
Use our Club Penguin Puffle Handler Tracker 2012 for immediate and accurate locations. Make sure you embed and refer us to your friends!

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